These samples from the RDFdata show most of the properties and classes used. This overview including the examples was retrieved by querying:
Retrieve classes and their properties
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX sem: <>
PREFIX gleio: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX pext: <>
PREFIX pnv: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?type (?pred AS ?Property) (?desc AS ?Description) (SAMPLE(?obj) AS ?Example) WHERE {
GRAPH <> {
[] a ?type;
?pred ?obj.
OPTIONAL { ?pred rdfs:comment ?desc } # if the ontology is loaded
} GROUP BY ?type ?pred ?desc ORDER BY ?type ?pred
Overview of classes¶
The schema:Role
Some properties on the resources are temporally restricted. To express a specific time frame in which a certain property value relation is valid, the schema:Role
class is used. This class can be used in any object position and extends the triple with the same property, while incorporating additional information, such as specific roles some entity played, or a start and end date. The Role class is used consistently in the data, even when there is nothing to reify.
Simple Event Model Timestamps (sem:hasTimeStamp
If a date is given in a less precise format than a full ISO 8601 description (i.e. YYYY-mm-dd, given as xsd:date
), then the Simple Event Model Timestamp properties have been used to supply a proper xsd:date
For example, if a programme is known to be shown in schema:startDate "1932-05"^^xsd:gYearMonth
, then the resource also includes the properties sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1932-05-01"^^xsd:date
and sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp "1932-05-31"^^xsd:date
. For consistency and queryablity, the sem
properties are always present, even if an exact date is given.
These properties are also included in the schema:Role
extensions of some predicates to indicate a temporal restriction or (un)certainty.
Each movie in the Cinema Context database is an instance of the schema:Movie
class. Its permalink is used as URI. The following properties can be found as properties of a Movie resource:
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | schema:Movie |
dcterms:extent | The length of the movie’s film roll. Modelled as a schema:PropertyValue . |
_:blankNode |
dcterms:format | The width of the film gauge | “16mm” |
schema:alternateName | Alternative names for the film. This can be an alternative title used in a particular screening. This name is also included in the schema:ScreeningEvent if there are screenings known for a film. The language of the title is given in the language tag. | “Hoffmanns vertellingen”@nl |
schema:contentRating | A rating (a schema:Rating and schema:CreativeWork ) of the film. |
<> |
schema:countryOfOrigin | The country of the film’s producer modelled as a blank node of type schema:Country . When available, a owl:sameAs property is included to refer to the TGN and Wikidata. |
_:blankNode |
schema:director | Director of the film | “Georges Monca” |
schema:dateCreated | The date or year the movie was produced | “1932”^^xsd:gYear |
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp | The earliest possible date the film was made or published, given as xsd:date . |
“1932-01-01”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp | The latest possible date the film was made or published, given as xsd:date . |
“1932-12-31”^^xsd:date |
schema:description | Any additional information or comments. | “twee delen” |
schema:genre | The genre of the film | “fiction” |
schema:isPartOf | The film or episode can be part of a series. | |
schema:name | The title of the film | “Faithless (1932)” |
schema:publisher | Used to include the distributor of a film (a schema:Organization ). Modelled through the schema:Role class. |
_:blankNode |
schema:sameAs | A film’s respective IMDb entry. | <> |
If known, a schema:sameAs
refers to the respective movie in the Internet Movie Database.
schema:name "Daydreams (1922)" ;
schema:description "Buster Keaton" ;
schema:dateCreated "1922"^^xsd:gYear ;
schema:sameAs <> ;
schema:countryOfOrigin _:USA ;
dcterms:extent [
schema:value "800"^^xsd:int ;
schema:unitCode "MTR" ;
a schema:PropertyValue ;
] ;
dcterms:format "35mm" ;
schema:genre "fiction" ;
schema:publisher [
schema:publisher <> ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
schema:alternateName "Van binnen moet je me zien"@nl ;
a schema:Movie .
_:USA a schema:Country ;
schema:name "Verenigde Staten van Amerika"@nl ;
schema:name "United States"@en ;
owl:sameAs <> ;
owl:sameAs <> .
Querying on Country
The country of a film’s origin is stored in the schema:countryOfOrigin
property, which is modelled as a blank node of type schema:Country
. Both a Dutch and English schema:name
label are included, as well as (if available) owl:sameAs
links to Wikidata or the TGN. To query for films from the Soviet Union:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
GRAPH <> {
?film a schema:Movie ;
schema:countryOfOrigin [ a schema:Country ;
schema:name "Soviet Union"@en ] . # mind the language tag!
Theaters, or ‘venues’ are organizations that are located on a specific location and have a specific name. Usually they are owned by a company. Each theater is an instance of the schema:MovieTheater
class. The following properties can be found as properties of a MovieTheater resource:
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | schema:MovieTheater |
schema:name | The name of the theater | “Actania” |
schema:description | Any additional information or comments. | “Tussen 1965-68 gesloten resp. niet ingeschreven bij NBB.” |
schema:citation | Refers to a publication (article, book etc.) about the film. Modelled through the schema:Role class. |
_:blankNode |
schema:containedInPlace | This cinema is operated/housed in a building (externally defined on Wikidata or BAG). See the info box below for more info. | <> |
schema:parentOrganization | When a MovieTheater is owned by a company, the company (a schema:Organization ) is given as a value of this property. Modelled through the schema:Role class. |
_:blankNode |
schema:location | The location of the theater. Refers to a schema:Place . |
<> |
schema:temporalCoverage | The earliest begin and latest end date of the lifespan of a theater. Expressed with sem timestamp properties. |
_:blankNode |
schema:maximumAttendeeCapacity | Maximum seating capacity of the theater. Modelled through the schema:Role class. |
_:blankNode |
schema:screenCount | Number of available screens in the theater. Modelled through the schema:Role class. |
_:blankNode |
schema:additionalType | Used in case of a ‘mobile theater’. Refers to WikiData wd:Q6605486 (Traveling cinema) |
<> |
The schema:containedInPlace
property is used on Theaters to express a relation to a resource from Wikidata or the BAG, due to a somewhat unclear and amgibuous distinction between organizations and buildings. This property states that a cinema is being operated in a building. For Wikidata, most of these resources are defined as subclass of Venue
. The Cinema Context ID P8296
property can be the inverse of this.
This data is extracted from Wikidata and a separate file with these links is included in the data. For an up-to-date overview, try this construct query:
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
?ccURI schema:containedInPlace ?wd .
?wd wdt:P8296 ?ccid .
BIND(URI(CONCAT("", ?ccid)) AS ?ccURI)
GRAPH <> {
?ccURI a ?venueType .
FILTER(?venueType in (schema:MovieTheater, schema:EventVenue))
schema:name "Cineac Damrak" ;
schema:location <> ;
schema:parentOrganization [
schema:parentOrganization <> ;
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1938-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp "1938-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasEarliestEndTimeStamp "1983-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp "1983-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
schema:temporalCoverage [
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1938-03-17"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp "1938-03-17"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasEarliestEndTimeStamp "1983-07-06"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp "1983-07-06"^^xsd:date ;
] ;
schema:screenCount [
schema:screenCount "2"^^xsd:int ;
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1975-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp "1975-01-31"^^xsd:date ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
schema:screenCount [
schema:screenCount "1"^^xsd:int ;
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1938-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp "1938-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
schema:maximumAttendeeCapacity [
schema:maximumAttendeeCapacity "750"^^xsd:int ;
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp "1938-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
schema:citation [
schema:citation <> ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
a schema:MovieTheater .
Mobile theaters¶
Mobile theaters are like MovieTheaters, in the sense that you could go there to see a movie. And they are located at a schema:Place, at least at a specific moment in time. Mobile cinemas have an additionalType of wd:Q6605486
(mobile cinema) as well.
schema:name "Mobile Theatre" ;
schema:location <> ;
schema:additionalType wd:Q6605486 ;
a schema:MovieTheater .
Event venues¶
A schema:EventVenue
might be a hotel, a concerthall or even a church.
schema:name "Hollandsche Schouwburg" ;
schema:location <> ;
a schema:EventVenue .
A company is the business or organization that runs one or multiple theatres. They are modelled as an instance of schema:Organization
and can have the following properties:
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | schema:Organization |
dcterms:source | Archival sources in which the company is described. | |
gleio:hasLegalForm | Used to indicate the type of company (e.g. B.V.). This is modelled as a blank node of type gleio:LegalForm with a standardized legal form code. The name of the legal form is included in a skos:altLabel . |
_:blankNode |
pext:activeInSector | The industry sector in which the company is active (e.g. “bioscoopexploitatie”). Modelled as a blank node of type pext:IndustrySector . The name of the sector is included in a schema:name . |
_:blankNode |
schema:alternateName | Alternative name for the company. | “Sprekende Bioscope” |
schema:citation | Modelled through the schema:Role class. |
_:blankNode |
schema:description | Any additional information or comments. | “Zie Scheepmaker en zie ook Abrassart. Beiden gebruiken in dezelfde tijd de benaming Cinematograph Pathé Frères.” |
schema:name | The name of the company. | “Pathé Frères Reizende Bioscoop (Amsterdam)” |
schema:parentOrganization | Modelled through the schema:Role class. |
_:blankNode |
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp | Earliest possible begin date for the time of operation of this company (its existence), given as xsd:date . |
“1907-01-01”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp | latest possible begin date for the time of operation of this company (its existence), given as xsd:date . |
“1907-12-31”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasEarliestEndTimeStamp | Earliest possible end date for the time of operation of this company (its existence), given as xsd:date . |
“1916-01-01”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp | Latest possible end date for the time of operation of this company (its existence), given as xsd:date . |
“1916-12-31”^^xsd:date |
Entity Legal Form (ELF)
We make use of the GLEIO ontology to express the legal structure of the company. The gleio:hasEntityLegalFormCode
property refers to codes from the ISO Entity Legal Form (ELF, ISO 20275) code list maintained by GLEIF. The Dutch legal form name is included in a skos:altLabel
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | gleio:LegalForm |
gleio:hasEntityLegalFormCode | The reference code of the legal form of the entity, taken from the ISO Entity Legal Form (ELF) code list maintained by GLEIF. | “V44D” |
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp | Earliest possible begin date for which this Legal Form is valid for this company, given as xsd:date . |
1973-01-01^^xsd:date |
sem:hasEarliestEndTimeStamp | Latest possible begin date for which this Legal Form is valid for this company, given as xsd:date . |
1929-01-01^^xsd:date |
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp | Earliest possible end date for which this Legal Form is valid for this company, given as xsd:date . |
1938-12-31^^xsd:date |
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp | Latest possible end date for which this Legal Form is valid for this company, given as xsd:date . |
1940-12-31^^xsd:date |
skos:altLabel | A readable Dutch label of the legal form. In the Cinema Context database, possible options are: B.V. , C.V. , Firma , N.V. , Stichting , and Vereniging . |
“Stichting” |
@prefix gleio: <> .
@prefix pext: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix sem: <> .
schema:name "Eindhovensche Bioscope Maatschappij NV" ;
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1913-07-01"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp "1913-07-31"^^xsd:date ;
schema:parentOrganization [
schema:parentOrganization <> ;
schema:description "Eindhovense Bioscope Mij. neemt in 1939 de aandelen van D. Hamburger over." ;
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1929-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp "1929-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
pext:activeInSector [
schema:name "bioscoopexploitatie" ;
a pext:IndustrySector ;
] ;
gleio:hasLegalForm [
a gleio:LegalForm ;
skos:altLabel "N.V." ;
gleio:hasEntityLegalFormCode "B5PM" ;
] ;
schema:citation [
schema:citation <> ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
a schema:Organization .
A person might work for a company. Each person is modelled as an instance of schema:Person
and can have the following properties:
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | schema:Person |
schema:name | The name of a person as one string literal. | “Dirk Rosenga” |
pnv:hasName | The name of a person, split out in the pnv vocabulary. Points to a pnv:PersonName . |
_:personName |
schema:worksFor | The company the person works for. This points to a schema:OrganizationRole that holds extra information on the role of the person in the company, and the time at which the person worked there. |
_:organizationRole |
schema:birthDate | The birth date of a person. | “1874-12-30”^^xsd:date |
schema:deathDate | The death date of a person. | “1943-03-13”^^xsd:date |
schema:gender | The gender of a person (e.g. schema:Female or schema:Male ). |
schema:Female |
Person Name Vocabulary (PNV)
Every person has a name. Beside using the generic schema:name
property, we also model a pnv:PersonName
entity as the value of the pnv:hasName
property. This is according to the Person Name Vocabulary (PNV), an rdf vocabulary and data model for persons’ names.
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | pnv:PersonName |
pnv:baseSurname | A person’s surname without a prefix, such as ‘van’ or ‘de’). | “Wersch-Delhaye” |
pnv:givenName | A person’s first name, how this person is called. | “Jan” |
pnv:initials | Instead of a givenName, the person’s initials. | “H.A.” |
pnv:literalName | The full name of the person. Includes all pnv components. |
“Corry Tendeloo” |
pnv:surname | A person’s surname, which is a combination of the pnv:surnamePrefix and pnv:baseSurname values. |
“Walpot” |
pnv:surnamePrefix | The prefix of the pnv:baseSurname , such as ‘de’, ‘van’, or ‘l’‘. |
“v.d.” |
schema:name "mevr. W. Gunneman" ;
schema:gender schema:Female ;
pnv:hasName [
pnv:literalName "W. Gunneman" ;
pnv:initials "W." ;
pnv:surname "Gunneman" ;
a pnv:PersonName ;
] ;
schema:worksFor [
a schema:OrganizationRole ;
schema:roleName "bedrijfsleider" ;
schema:worksFor <> ;
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1977-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp "1977-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
] ;
a schema:Person .
A ‘place’ is just that: a point on the map. Sometimes a place might have a 1:1 relation with a building, but it’s perfectly possible there were several buildings on that spot, over time.
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | schema:Place |
schema:address | A place’s physical address. Points to a blank node of type schema:PostalAddress . |
_:postaladdress |
schema:citation | A place can be mentioned in a CreativeWork, Book, or Article. Modelled through the schema:Role class. Points to a schema:CreativeWork or subtypes. |
_:citation |
schema:description | Description of the place. | “Hotel Van Stralen, ‘s Lands Welvaren. Toneelzaal op bovenverdieping. Gemeente Boornsterhem (Friesland).” |
geo:hasGeometry | The geometry (e.g. point) of a place. Expressed as a blank node with the geometry as WKT in geo:wktLiteral. | _:geometry |
geo:hasGeometry [
geo:asWKT "POINT(4.88363 52.36333)" ;
] ;
schema:address [
schema:streetAddress "Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 13 - 17" ;
schema:addressLocality "Amsterdam" ;
a schema:PostalAddress ;
] ;
schema:citation [
schema:citation <> ;
schema:description "City, Amsterdam, van architect Jan Wils. Themanummer." ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
a schema:Place .
We distinguish two event classes: schema:Event
(prototypical events for which one can buy tickets) and sem:Event
(generic events, things that happen).
A ‘programme’ is a schema:Event
consisting of one or more instances of type schema:ScreeningEvent
(filmic) or schema:TheaterEvent
( (non-filmic), that was held in a specific theater on one or more dates. Sometimes a film was screened under another name (a Dutch name, for example). In such cases this name is mentioned as a schema:alternateName
. The schema:startDate
indicates the day a programme started. Normally, a cinema programme would be screened for a week. Deviations from this norm are usually annotated as schema:description
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | schema:Event |
schema:citation | A programme can be mentioned in a CreativeWork, Book, or Article. Modelled through the schema:Role class. Points to a schema:CreativeWork or subtypes. |
_:citation |
schema:description | Additional info for the programme. | “6-14 oktober 1907” |
schema:location | A programme has a location. Points to a schema:Place . |
<> |
schema:name | Title of the programme. | “Jeugdbioscoop” |
schema:organizer | A programme can be organized by a company. Points to a schema:Organization . |
<> |
schema:startDate | The date of the programme. | “1942-12”^^xsd:gYearMonth |
sem:hasTimeStamp | The date of the programme given as xsd:date . |
“1942-12-06”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp | The earliest possible begin date of the programme given as xsd:date . |
“1942-12-01”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp | The latest possible begin date of the programme given as xsd:date . |
“1942-12-31”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasEarliestEndTimeStamp | The earliest possible end date of the programme given as xsd:date . |
“1942-12-01”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp | The latest possible end date of the programme given as xsd:date . |
“1942-12-31”^^xsd:date |
schema:subEvent | A program can be made up of one or more subEvents (which can be ordered). | _:screeningEvent or _:theaterEvent |
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | schema:ScreeningEvent |
schema:alternateName | The name that was used for the film in the programme. May contain a languagetag. | “Moskou Shanghai”@nl |
schema:position | Position of the subEvent in the programme. If known. | “2”^^xsd:int |
schema:workPresented | The film that was presented. | <> |
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | schema:TheaterEvent |
schema:position | Position of the subEvent in the programme. If known. | “2”^^xsd:int |
schema:workPerformed | The show that was performed. Points to a blank node of type schema:CreativeWork that holds the name of the show in the schema:name property. |
_:creativeWork |
A programme has multiple ordered subEvents of type schema:ScreeningEvent
schema:startDate "1918-10-25"^^xsd:date ;
schema:location <> ;
schema:subEvent [
schema:workPresented <> ;
schema:position "1"^^xsd:int ;
schema:alternateName "Regimentsdochter, De" ;
schema:inLanguage "NL" ;
a schema:ScreeningEvent ;
] ;
schema:subEvent [
schema:workPresented <> ;
schema:position "2"^^xsd:int ;
schema:alternateName "Prinses van Neutralië, De" ;
schema:inLanguage "NL" ;
a schema:ScreeningEvent ;
] ;
schema:subEvent [
schema:workPresented <> ;
schema:position "3"^^xsd:int ;
schema:alternateName "Medaillon, Het" ;
schema:inLanguage "NL" ;
a schema:ScreeningEvent ;
] ;
schema:citation [
schema:citation <> ;
schema:description "Krant uit de week van de voorstelling" ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
a schema:Event .
Or has both subEvents of type schema:ScreeningEvent
and schema:TheaterEvent
sem:hasTimeStamp "1923-08-31"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1923-08-31"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp "1923-08-31"^^xsd:date ;
schema:startDate "1923-08-31"^^xsd:date ;
schema:location <> ;
schema:subEvent [
schema:workPerformed [ a schema:CreativeWork ;
schema:name "Mello Wendini, \"komisch dressuur act\"" ] ;
a schema:TheaterEvent ;
] ;
schema:subEvent [
schema:workPresented <> ;
a schema:ScreeningEvent ;
] ;
schema:citation [
schema:citation <> ;
schema:description "Krant uit de week van de voorstelling" ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
a schema:Event .
Example (mobile theater)
If the location where the schema:Event
was held is a mobile theater, the event is likely to have a schema:organizer
property that presumably points to the mobile theater company.
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1903-05-01"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp "1903-05-31"^^xsd:date ;
schema:startDate "1903-05"^^xsd:gYearMonth ;
schema:name "Mobile Theatre" ;
schema:description "Sint Servaaskermis" ;
schema:location <> ;
schema:organizer <> ;
schema:subEvent [
schema:workPresented <> ;
a schema:ScreeningEvent ;
] ;
schema:subEvent [
schema:workPresented <> ;
a schema:ScreeningEvent ;
] ;
schema:subEvent [
schema:workPresented <> ;
a schema:ScreeningEvent ;
] ;
schema:subEvent [
schema:workPresented <> ;
a schema:ScreeningEvent ;
] ;
schema:subEvent [
schema:workPresented <> ;
schema:alternateName "Paus Leo XIII in zijn laatste levensdagen"@nl ;
a schema:ScreeningEvent ;
] ;
schema:subEvent [
schema:workPresented <> ;
schema:alternateName "Soesman en Zwaaf zingen Bokkie-Bè"@nl ;
a schema:ScreeningEvent ;
] ;
schema:citation [
schema:citation <> ;
a schema:Role ;
] ;
a schema:Event .
Construction history¶
Construction events include the sem:EventType ‘Nieuwbouw’ and ‘Verbouwing’. Construction events are of the class sem:Event
, which helps to distinguish these events from ‘programmes’ - modelled as schema:Event
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | sem:Event |
schema:description | Additional info of the building and the building construction. | “ontwerp van J.J.P. Oud, uitgevoerd door zijn zoon Hans Oud” |
sem:eventType | Type of construction. Refers to a blank node of type sem:EvenType . The name of this type is given in a schema:name property and can be "Nieuwbouw"@nl , "Construction"@en , "Verbouwing"@nl , "Refurbishment"@en . |
_:eventtype |
sem:hasActor | Any actors (e.g. persons) that are involved in this event. Modelled as sem:Role with the type of role given as sem:roleType . See below for an example of how this has been modelled. |
_:actor |
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp | Earliest possible begin date of the construction, given as xsd:date . |
“1928-01-01”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasEarliestEndTimeStamp | Latest possible begin date of the construction, given as xsd:date . |
“2008-01-01”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp | Earliest possible end date of the construction, given as xsd:date . |
“1913-12-31”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp | Latest possible end date of the construction, given as xsd:date . |
“1957-12-31”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasPlace | The location of the event. Points to an instance of type schema:Place . See also: Places |
<> |
sem:hasPlace <> ;
sem:eventType _:nieuwbouw ;
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1914-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp "1914-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasEarliestEndTimeStamp "1914-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp "1914-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasActor [
rdf:value <> ;
sem:roleType [
schema:name "architect" ;
a sem:RoleType ;
] ;
a sem:Role ;
] ;
a sem:Event .
_:nieuwbouw a sem:EventType ;
schema:name "Nieuwbouw"@nl, "Construction"@en .
Querying on EventType
The type of construction event is stored in the value of a sem:evenType
property, which is modelled as a blank node. To query for all events of type ‘Verbouwing’ or ‘Construction’, query on the schema:name
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX sem: <>
GRAPH <> {
?event a sem:Event;
sem:eventType [ schema:name "Verbouwing" ] .
Surprisingly, when a building is demolished, often the sem:EventType
with schema:name
‘Verbouwing’ or ‘Refurbishment’ is used.
sem:hasPlace <> ;
sem:eventType _:verbouwing ;
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1940-05-14"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestBeginTimeStamp "1940-05-14"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasEarliestEndTimeStamp "1940-05-14"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp "1940-05-14"^^xsd:date ;
schema:description "verwoest bij bombardement" ;
a sem:Event .
_:verbouwing a sem:EventType ;
schema:name "Verbouwing"@nl, "Refurbishment"@en .
Films might be rated by a schema:Rating
. These ratings might have a schema:ratingValue
of either ‘recommended’ or ‘not recommended’, a schema:text
and a schema:ratingExplanation
. In the schema:about
nodes, names and descriptions of the film as written in the rating report are mentioned.
Property | Description | Example |
rdf:type | A resource of this type is an instance of this class. | schema:Rating, schema:CreativeWork |
schema:about | A rating is about a film. Modelled through the schema:Role class. The title of the film that was mentioned in the rating is given in the schema:name property of this blank node. |
_:movie |
schema:author | A rating is written by an organization. | <> |
schema:dateCreated | The date the rating was written or published. | “1936-09-04”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasTimeStamp | The date the rating was written or published, given as xsd:date . |
“1953-09-15”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp | The earliest possible date the rating was written or published, given as xsd:date . |
“1953-09-01”^^xsd:date |
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp | The latest possible date the rating was written or published, given as xsd:date . |
“1953-09-30”^^xsd:date |
schema:identifier | Some film screening ratings contain an identifier. | “A3500” |
schema:ratingExplanation | Additional motivation for this rating. | “Gevechten van dieren onderling.” |
schema:ratingValue | The rating’s judgement. Either ‘recommended’ or ‘not recommended’. | “recommended” |
schema:text | Additional comments or age rating. | “alle leeftijden” |
schema:sameAs | The rating can be present in another archive, such as the Nationaal Archief. | <> |
Filmkeuringsrapporten 1928-1960 (National Archives of the Netherlands)
Some ratings entered in Cinema Context are coming from the archive of Filmkeuringsrapporten 1928-1960 which is held by the National Archives of the Netherlands [Nationaal Archief]. The value in the schema:sameAs
property of a rating points to the respective rating/report in this collection.
schema:contentRating <> .
schema:identifier "V1308" ;
sem:hasTimeStamp "1953-09-15"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasEarliestBeginTimeStamp "1953-09-15"^^xsd:date ;
sem:hasLatestEndTimeStamp "1953-09-15"^^xsd:date ;
schema:dateCreated "1953-09-15"^^xsd:date ;
schema:author <> ;
schema:text "18 jaar" ;
schema:ratingValue "not recommended" ;
schema:ratingExplanation "te sensationeel voor onder de 18" ;
schema:about [
a schema:Role ;
schema:name "Vrijdag, de dertiende" ;
schema:description "r. Arthur Lubin, Boris Karloff" ;
schema:about <> ;
] ;
schema:about [
a schema:Role ;
schema:name "Black Friday" ;
schema:about <> ;
] ;
schema:sameAs <> ;
a schema:Rating, schema:CreativeWork .